Fine motor activities
& early learning
Program, resources, workshops & OT services
my Fantastic Fingers®
Fantastic Fingers® Program
Product Reviews
Customers from over 40 different countries use the Fantastic Fingers® Program activities at home & school to improve their children's fine motor skills, core strength & early literacy & numeracy.
What do parents, teachers & OT's like about this program? Their responses are from an anonymous survey:
The creative element
The activities are fabulous
I use the songs all the time
It uses easily available equipment
The balance between table top & physical activities
Definitely helps to improve fine motor coordination
It's easy to follow
User-friendly for parents and teachers
Good ideas for teachers to implement
Follows a developmental progression
Graded from easy to more difficult
The kids love it
It’s fun, playful and child friendly
In the short video below, Scarlett, age four years, shares her favourite actions from some of the Fantastic Fingers® songs. Too cute!
How effective are the activities? Read more about the research study.
Reviews from customers using the Fantastic Fingers® Fine Motor Program
Teacher's perspective on using Fantastic Fingers® FIne Motor Program with her 5 year old students
'The class has absolutely LOVED all the activities and songs we have done so far. We are also incorporating more of the outdoor/gross motor activities e.g. ribbon dance, animal walks etc. Our fine motor tasks will continue during morning rotations. The benefits so far have been obvious and the children's writing skills are developing beautifully.' - Marilyn
Early childhood educator shares about using the Fantastic Fingers® FIne Motor Program
'I am impressed with the simplicity of how it can be integrated into my daily routines, and transitions, and assist my children to develop their core strength, as well as their ability to control the fine muscles in their hands.' - Angela
Mother of a four year old talks about using the Fantastic Fingers® Program at home
'(It's) a great time we can spend together playing but still benefiting her fine motor skill development and preparing her for school.' - Monique