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About Ingrid C. King

I have always found it very satisfying to help people and I enjoy being creative, so I found a good match in occupational therapy. I graduated with distinction in 1995 in South Africa. I soon found that I loved working with children and their parents and teachers. I have worked in South Africa, the United States, New Zealand and Australia. I completed my masters in occupational therapy in 2008.


I have been creating, trialing and researching the Fantastic Fingers® Program activities since 2003. There is a huge need to give children the best start and help so that they can be ready for school and successful. Fine motor skills are so important being a predictor of academic success and one of the four indicators for school readiness. I presented a paper on my fine motor research at the Occupational Therapy Australia National Conference.


Other speaking highlights include a presentation for the international OT 24-hour Virtual Exchange, and presenting for three years in a row for the Early Childhood Teachers Association. I enjoy sharing my knowledge, and I have been running workshops for teachers and therapists for over 12 years.


I am a mother to two beautiful children, Erin and Craig, whom you will see on many of the videos. Together with my husband who is a trained teacher, we home schooled our children for five years. It was a rewarding and enriching experience.


After we had finished filming the Fantastic Fingers® Program videos, I had some photos taken with Erin (then six years) and Craig (then four years). They were wonderful models for the songs and many activities.


I hope that you will enjoy engaging meaningfully with your child or the children you work with. The Fantastic Fingers® activities are a wonderful way to spend some quality or 'special time' as my children call it.

I'm the author of Songs and Games for Fantastic Fingers®. Here I talk about my new revised and expanded edition. Learn about why this Fantastic Fingers® Program is so important for school readiness and success at school.

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7NEWS interviewed me in my other role which is as a school readiness consultant. As part of my Get Fit for School initiative, I run workshops to help parents prepare their children for school.

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